Address: 2385 N Ferguson Ave Tucson, AZ 85712
Phone: 520-886-3030
Steinberg Dental Team 2023

Preventing Facial Collapse

I just turned 36 years old and my doctor just diagnosed me with a severe calcium deficiency. I’ve been having massive trouble with my teeth especially since my second pregnancy. I thought my teeth problems were because of the vomiting during my pregnancy. But, my dentist thinks that the calcium deficiency is my problem and […]


Can I Get a Pretty Smile After 30 years?

Question submitted by Andrea: I have been in dentures for 30 years. They looked like false teeth because there were. That was 30 years ago, though. I have a friend who recently got dental implants and they are so pretty. Is it possible for me to switch to dental implants? I would love to have […]


Dental Implants after Years in Dentures

Question submitted by Karl: I have been in dentures for 13 years. I have noticed it is getting harder to keep them in. My dentist warned me about this when I first got dentures, but at the time I had no choice financially. I’m in a better place now because of an unexpected windfall. Is […]


Is Type – 1 Diabetes a Contraindication for Dental Implants

Question submitted by Larry: I want to get a dental implant, but I have Type-1 Diabetes. My dentist suggested because of that a dental implant would not be a good option for me. Is there no way for a diabetic to get a dental implant? If that is so, then what would be the next […]


Dentist Placed an Implant Knowing It Would Fail

Question submitted by Charity: I am frustrated and wondering what my options are. I went in for a dental implant procedure. My dentist said everything looked good ahead of time. However, when I woke up from my surgery, he told me that there was not enough bone to retain the dental implant. However, he placed […]


Dental Implants Fell Out

Question submitted by: Ruthie I am a bit frustrated and worried. I have had dentures for a couple of years and really never liked them. I decided to get some dental implants to support them. I was getting eight dental implants in total. I did the bottom ones first. It hasn’t even been a week, […]


Dental Implant Placed with Poor Bone Implant

Question submitted by: Benjamin I need some advice on what to do. When I went into my dental implant procedure, my dentist assured me we were in good shape. However, when I woke up from the surgery he then told me that it turned out I didn’t have enough bone structure for the dental implant. […]


Can I Get Dental Implants After Twelve Years?

Question submitted by: Emily I have had dentures for twelve years. I wanted to get implant overdentures when I first had my teeth removed but did not have enough money. Now, I can afford them and I am worried it is too late. Is it still possible for me to get the dental implants? My […]


Am I a Candidate for Bone Grafting?

Question submitted by: Casey Can you help me figure something out? I’m 42 years old. When I was 17, I had a dental bridge placed. I would like to replace the missing teeth with dental implants but feel fairly certain I see some bone loss. I’ve heard that makes it hard to get dental implants. […]