Keys to Avoiding Dental Implant Failure
Question submitted by Kevin I have short listed two dentists for my dental implant on an upper tooth, but I have one concern about each of them. One of them wants to do a CT scan, which I am not completely convinced is completely necessary. Over the years, I have had many x-rays and I […]
Read More...Clear Choice or Costa Rica for Dental Implants?
Question submitted by Troy I was looking at getting dental implants but have some bone loss that I need to deal with. Clear choice said they could work around that with all on four dental implants. However, I’ve read some reviews by people that said they felt abandoned after they had the procedure done. I’m […]
Read More...His Dentist Really Blew This
Question submitted by Deanna: I had a dental implant placed and it started to feel loose. I went back to my dentist and he said that it was probably just the crown that was loose. He felt it could easily be bonded back on. However, things didn’t go so well. He had trouble taking off […]
Read More...Bone Grafting Fails
Question submitted by Stan: My dentist was going to give me a dental implant, but when he went in he realized there wasn’t enough bone for the implant. He suggested that I get a bone grafting procedure done. He’d been studying it and felt he could take care of that himself. So, I had the […]
Read More...Should I Remove My Titanium Implants?
Question submitted by Mary: I started seeing a holistic dentist. I need a dental implant and she is suggesting that I get a zirconia dental implant. In fact, she is also suggesting that I remove my current titanium dental implant and replace it with a zirconia one because she read in a natural news site […]
Read More...Preventing Facial Collapse
I just turned 36 years old and my doctor just diagnosed me with a severe calcium deficiency. I’ve been having massive trouble with my teeth especially since my second pregnancy. I thought my teeth problems were because of the vomiting during my pregnancy. But, my dentist thinks that the calcium deficiency is my problem and […]
Read More...Can I Get a Pretty Smile After 30 years?
Question submitted by Andrea: I have been in dentures for 30 years. They looked like false teeth because there were. That was 30 years ago, though. I have a friend who recently got dental implants and they are so pretty. Is it possible for me to switch to dental implants? I would love to have […]
Read More...Dental Implants after Years in Dentures
Question submitted by Karl: I have been in dentures for 13 years. I have noticed it is getting harder to keep them in. My dentist warned me about this when I first got dentures, but at the time I had no choice financially. I’m in a better place now because of an unexpected windfall. Is […]
Read More...Is Type – 1 Diabetes a Contraindication for Dental Implants
Question submitted by Larry: I want to get a dental implant, but I have Type-1 Diabetes. My dentist suggested because of that a dental implant would not be a good option for me. Is there no way for a diabetic to get a dental implant? If that is so, then what would be the next […]
Read More...Dentist Placed an Implant Knowing It Would Fail
Question submitted by Charity: I am frustrated and wondering what my options are. I went in for a dental implant procedure. My dentist said everything looked good ahead of time. However, when I woke up from my surgery, he told me that there was not enough bone to retain the dental implant. However, he placed […]